Our Holiday Storytime was a huge hit with more than 70 children
and parents in attendance! And we signed up four new library
card users, which means we're reaching outside our four walls!
In addition to our exceptional Elves from the East
(Emma and Tammie), I would also like to extend a special thank
you to Faith Baptist for the loan of the life-sized camel and
to Dustee and Pat Thorbergson for being Mr. & Mrs. Claus.
and parents in attendance! And we signed up four new library
card users, which means we're reaching outside our four walls!
In addition to our exceptional Elves from the East
(Emma and Tammie), I would also like to extend a special thank
you to Faith Baptist for the loan of the life-sized camel and
to Dustee and Pat Thorbergson for being Mr. & Mrs. Claus.
Emma made this cute clip from an app she learned about
at Paul's iPad session at Staff Development Day.
Woop Woop!